November 18, 2009

Olinger - End of an era?

Recent news has noted the unknown future for Olinger pool.

I have memories of crossing the bridge out front and paying the nominal fee to go swimming as a small child. I remember the hard mesh clothes hangers that you could rent. Was it a quarter?

These days I'm back as a parent catching the tail end of my son's high school swim practice. But not for long. His practices are slated to be moved over to the Kroc Center very soon.

The Kroc Center is beautiful. Beautiful.

I will miss Olinger though.


  1. I have the same fond memories of Olinger (although I don't remember the hangers). And when the slide opened, what a HUGE deal. I felt the same sadness when they closed Leslie. That's were we took all of our swim lessons in the summer and I have great memories of that pool.

  2. We definitely have scrapbook moments from Olinger. All of my children learned to swim there.


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